Monica Federico Tue, 02 Apr 2024 11:07:21 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Monica Federico 32 32 7 Steps to Transition From Corporate to Solopreneur Tue, 02 Apr 2024 11:07:20 +0000 I was all ready, notes in hand and a mind full of ideas, and then the interview got cancelled.

It was supposed to be a deep dive into the journey from corporate life to starting out on my own – a topic I’m both passionate about and intimately familiar with.

I have done it, and half of my clients are doing it too.

Though the opportunity to share my thoughts in an interview disappeared, the preparation is not going to go to waste.

I realised the insights I’d gathered will be valuable to someone.

So, here we are.

  1. Go slow:

Don’t rush. Begin your independent journey while keeping your job, or switch to part-time if possible. The risk of desperation – for work, any work – is real and dangerous. Accepting less-than-ideal clients out of necessity can hurt more than just your bottom line. It can tarnish your reputation.

Admittedly, I feel a bit of a hypocrite saying this because my own journey kicked off with a bit of a sprint.

I opened my coaching practice in January 2020, aiming to balance it with a new part-time job. However, just two months in, the pandemic turned plans on their head, making it nearly impossible to find that part-time role.

I was thrust into a “go big or go home” scenario much sooner than I’d have liked. Looking back, taking it slower would’ve been my choice for a steadier start.

2. Don’t compare yourself to others:

Our business journeys, like our lives, are unique.

While it’s okay to look around for inspiration and benchmarks, comparison can steal your joy and sap your energy, impacting your mindset negatively.

3. Build social proof from the beginning:

Start gathering reviews and social proof as soon as you can. Depending on your field, this might be straightforward or a bit of a challenge.

This endeavour is certainly more nuanced in the realm of personal development, where the roles of coach, therapist, or consultant often come with an expectation of confidentiality.

In these professions, you’re not just offering a service; you’re becoming a confidant. It’s not uncommon for clients to view their relationship with you as something of a secret weapon in their personal or professional growth. They might prefer to keep the fact that they’re working with you under wraps, viewing it as part of their competitive edge or private journey.

This presents an interesting conundrum and perhaps my only critique of our industry: the expectation to showcase abundant social proof while simultaneously being a “best-kept secret.”

It’s a delicate balance to strike. While we understand and respect the privacy and discretion our clients seek, we also recognise the importance of social proof in building trust with potential clients.

In navigating this challenge, it’s essential to approach the collection of social proof with sensitivity and creativity.

One strategy could involve anonymised testimonials, where clients share their experiences without revealing their identities.

Another approach could be case studies that focus on the challenges addressed and the outcomes achieved, rather than on personal details. This way, you respect the confidentiality of your client relationships while still demonstrating the value and impact of your work to prospective clients.

Remember, the key is to start early. The sooner you begin to think creatively about how to gather and showcase social proof, the better positioned you’ll be to build credibility and trust in your field, even within an industry that values privacy.

4. Industry engagement:

Make your presence known. Join directories, secure relevant memberships, and get accredited. If your audience hangs out on platforms like Fiverr, be there. Remember, what works depends on your industry. Sometimes belonging to a body can help with credibility.

Expanding on this, being part of industry-specific governing bodies or professional organisations isn’t just about gaining credibility; it’s also a gateway to a wealth of opportunities for further professional development and peer-to-peer collaboration.

Such affiliations can connect you with a broader network of peers, opening up doors to collaborative projects, mentorship roles, and even speaking opportunities at industry events.

These engagements are invaluable for staying abreast of the latest trends, tools, and techniques in your field, allowing you to continuously refine and enhance your service offerings. Use these platforms not only to establish your authority but also to engage with peers, share knowledge, and forge meaningful professional relationships.

5. Personal branding is key:

Figure out where your clients are and be there, but don’t spread yourself too thin trying to be everywhere for everyone.

Focus on building a strong brand on the platform that matters most to your audience. Pick one and start there.

Taking action is critical – don’t get bogged down by overthinking or procrastinating over too many details. Deciding on some basic concepts like what your brand stands for, who your clients are, what kind of feel you want to convey about your business, and picking one or two brand colours can create consistency in who you are, your brand, and your promises to your clients.

For example, when it came to naming my coaching practice, I chose to use my name. It felt daunting at first, confronting the internal question, “Who do you think you are?” Yet, it was the most practical choice.

By using my name, I avoided the paralysis by analysis over a business name and sidestepped potential trademark issues. It’s my name; it’s unlikely to change and keeps the brand very simple.

This choice emphasised getting on with the most important aspects of building my business rather than getting lost in the minutiae of branding decisions.

It’s about simplicity, authenticity, and focusing on what truly matters – connecting with and serving your clients.

6. Networking never stops:

Online or in person, every interaction is an opportunity. Each person you meet could be a doorway to new business, a partnership, or a learning opportunity. This is where authenticity and integrity matter the most.

Networking isn’t just about expanding your contact list; it’s about building genuine connections. Approach each conversation with curiosity and openness, ready to learn and share. Remember, the value of your network isn’t measured by the number of contacts in your phone but by the quality of relationships you nurture.

7. Support systems:

Especially in the beginning, find someone who can guide you, offer advice, or simply be a sounding board. It’s about minimising trial and error, conserving energy, and avoiding burnout, which is all too easy when you’re balancing building a business with other responsibilities.

Whether it’s a mentor, a peer group, or even a coach of your own, having that support can make all the difference. They can provide perspective during challenging times, celebrate your wins, and offer insights that you might not have considered.

At the outset, don’t get caught up looking for overly specific support.

Say you’re going solo as a coach, consultant, or maybe providing some training; hold off on jumping into creating an expensive course or splurging on ads for it. It’s probably too much too soon.

At this stage, what you’re really looking for is more of a generalist support. Someone who helps you nail the basics: figuring out your brand, your values, who your clients are, and getting the hang of organic marketing.

This kind of support is invaluable when you’re just laying the groundwork. And hey, once you’re more established, maybe 6-12 months down the line, that’s when you can start thinking about investing in something more specific.

But for now, focus on building your brand and authority in a more natural, organic way.


And there we have it. I hope sharing these insights, woven from both personal experiences and practical advice, helps you as you navigate your own journey from corporate to creative freedom.

Remember, it’s your path to carve, and while the road might be bumpy, the rewards of following your passion and building something that’s truly your own are unparalleled.

And if you’re ever in doubt or just need someone to bounce ideas off, always feel free to get in touch.

Understanding Coaching Types and Approaches Fri, 01 Mar 2024 13:28:38 +0000 In the vast sea of personal development, where terms like life coaching, executive coaching, and transformational coaching float around, it’s easy to feel lost.

If you’ve ever found yourself scratching your head at the myriad of options available, wondering which path is right for you, you’re not alone.

This blog aims to demystify these terms, making it easier for you to navigate this minefield of jargon and find the coaching type that best suits your needs.

Life Coaching: The Swiss Army Knife of Personal Development

Think of life coaching as the Swiss Army knife in your personal development toolkit. It’s a broad, versatile term encompassing various approaches, each designed to enhance different areas of your life.

Whether you want to improve your relationships, career, or overall sense of well-being, life coaching provides the tools and techniques to help you achieve your goals.

However, it’s important to remember that “life coaching” can mean different things depending on who you ask, highlighting the importance of finding a coach whose approach and style resonates with you.

This is why most of us offer a free consultation – also called a discovery or chemistry call – to ensure we get to talk about how we work and whether that fits your needs.

Mindset and Transformational Coaching: The Deep Dive

This one is my favourite. Mindset coaching, often interchangeable with transformational coaching, is all about the deep dive. This type of coaching focuses on identifying and shifting the underlying beliefs and patterns that hold you back. Like life coaching on steroids.

It’s for those ready to explore their inner workings, challenge their limiting beliefs, and undergo significant personal transformation. If you’re seeking profound change and are willing to explore the depths of your psyche, this might be the path for you.

Executive Coaching: Strategy Meets Self-Improvement

Executive coaching is where personal development meets business strategy. It’s designed for professionals who wish to enhance their leadership skills, navigate career transitions, or improve their business acumen.

This coaching style combines elements of life coaching with strategic planning, making it ideal for anyone looking to climb the corporate ladder or enhance their leadership capabilities.

Career Coaching: Bridging Dreams and Reality

Career coaching sits at the crossroads between executive coaching and mindset coaching, incorporating tools from both to support career development and transition. It’s not just about finding a job; it’s about discovering your calling and aligning your career path with your values and goals.

Career coaching can provide clarity and direction if you’re at a career crossroads, feeling stuck, or ready to make a significant change. It can also offer some practical tools to navigate conflict, deal imposter syndrome or improve communication.

Leadership Coaching: Forging Tomorrow’s Leaders

While there might be some overlap with executive coaching, leadership coaching specifically targets developing skills needed to lead others effectively.

It’s about inspiring, motivating, and guiding teams towards achieving shared goals. If you’re in a leadership role or aspire to be in one, this coaching focus can help you develop the emotional intelligence, strategic thinking, and communication skills essential for influence and success.

Finding Your Fit

Choosing the right type of coaching comes down to understanding your current needs, goals, and the kind of support you’re looking for. Whether it’s making a career change, enhancing your leadership skills, or embarking on a journey of personal transformation, there’s a coaching style out there for you.

Remember, the world of personal coaching is as diverse as the individuals it serves. The key is to find a coach whose approach resonates with your goals and aspirations.

So, take your time, ask questions, and, most importantly, listen to your intuition. It’s your journey, after all.

Why a Tailored Approach Works Best

In my practice, I’ve discovered that adopting a tailored and personalised coaching approach yields the most significant, long-lasting results.

By integrating aspects of mindset coaching, which includes neuroscience protocols, positive psychology, cognitive behavioural therapy models, and executive coaching, I create a bespoke coaching experience unique to each client’s needs.

Many of my clients are leaders or business owners, so we often throw in the mix of leadership coaching too.

This holistic method addresses specific challenges and promotes overall personal and professional growth.

It’s about crafting a journey that’s as unique as you are, leveraging a wide array of tools and techniques to ensure you achieve your fullest potential and a fulfilling career.

The emotion we all feel and struggle to talk about Thu, 01 Feb 2024 13:10:07 +0000 Too shameful to discuss, too powerful to ignore. Time to talk about anger.

Last night, someone asked how I handle if someone cries in front of me. They expressed frustration with instances of crying in the workplace, deeming it unprofessional “because other people get uncomfortable.”

I explained that discomfort with other’s crying is relatively common. I’ve even discussed this with new coaches who find this aspect challenging. Personally, it doesn’t feel uncomfortable.

If you feel like crying, just cry. It is normal to me.

However, I posed a question to the person: How do they react to anger instead?

We often discuss vulnerability and embracing tears, but anger remains stigmatised.

Interestingly, this person was also not fond of any frustration or anger displays.

Anger is a powerful emotion capable of causing disruption, so many are uncomfortable with anger in others and themselves.

It’s unfortunate that we hold such a negative, guilt-laden attitude toward anger, as it signals something important – that something is wrong. Ignoring or failing to recognise anger means missing a vital message.

I believe it’s an emotion not sufficiently addressed or spoken about, yet it often leads to significant issues in our lives. Even when not expressed and suppressed.

The plot thickens when we consider the cultural filters and connotations that render anger commonplace in some countries and shameful in others.

Driven by these realisations, I’ve decided to delve deeper into understanding anger. True to my nature, I’ve already purchased three books on the subject and begun the research.

I believe it’s an emotion not sufficiently addressed or spoken about. Our compassion often seems to disappear at the mere sound of its name.

Like most emotions, anger comes in different shades, from annoyance to frustration, from anger to rage. It comes with an array of expressions too. Some people will hiss, and some will raise their voices.

Here, context is crucial. Observing someone venting frustration at a situation differs vastly from being the target of their anger. Every outburst tells a different story.

Generally, people either express their anger or suppress it – some to avoid conflict. This is when we see the other side of this coin: becoming people-pleasers, losing our voice, and weakening our impact or influence.

This is an often-overlooked dilemma: the repression of anger.

When we suppress this fiery emotion, it doesn’t just fade away; it simmers beneath the surface, affecting our well-being, our decisions, and our interactions.

The energy of unexpressed anger can manifest in insidious ways, from chronic stress and physical ailments to passive-aggressive behaviour and a pervasive sense of dissatisfaction.

By bottling it up, we may think we’re maintaining peace, but we’re actually laying the groundwork for a larger, more destructive eruption later on.

It’s critical to acknowledge anger, not as an adversary, but as a natural part of our emotional spectrum that deserves attention and constructive expression.

Understanding and channelling anger healthily can lead to better communication, stronger relationships, and ultimately a more authentic life experience.

It’s time we learn not just to manage anger, but to listen to its message and respond in a way that serves us and those around us.

Unlearning for Personal and Professional Success Mon, 01 Jan 2024 10:43:20 +0000 In our journey towards personal and professional growth, the conversation often centres on the need for improvement and development.

This focus implies that we are somehow deficient or in need of fixing. And while it’s true that we all have areas, that could benefit from enhancement, the real challenge often lies not in what we need to learn, but in what we need to unlearn.

The Myth of Perfectionism

Take, for instance, perfectionism. Many, including myself, grapple with this mindset. Being a perfectionist is not an inherent trait. Perfectionism is learnt.

We learn that perfection earns praise, acceptance, and love. But what’s crucial to understand is that this pursuit of flawlessness is often more limiting than empowering.

The repercussions of perfectionism are far-reaching – it can lead to procrastination, as the fear of not being perfect paralyses action. It can also make one an unpopular stickler, overly critical and hard to please, both in personal and professional relationships.

The Logical Vs. Empathetic Balance

Consider another example: the overemphasis on logic. Logic is undeniably a valuable skill, but an overreliance on it can lead to a disconnect from our empathetic side.

In utilisng only our logical selves, we might inadvertently neglect our emotional intelligence. This doesn’t mean logic is bad; rather, it’s about finding a healthy balance between logic and empathy.

The consequences of lacking emotional intelligence are significant – it becomes hard to connect with others as people often bond over emotions, not just logic. Without this balance, relationships, both personal and professional, can suffer.

The Art of Unlearning

Unlearning is an art and needs patience and time. It requires us to challenge deeply ingrained beliefs and behaviours that, while once useful, no longer serve our growth.

For example, overusing strengths like planning and organising can backfire, turning us into control freaks, rigid and inflexible.

This process isn’t about discarding our strengths but about recalibrating them to better serve us in the right context and measure.

The Journey of *Laura: Unlearning for Balance

Let’s consider the story of Laura, a high achiever who found herself in a predicament common among successful individuals.

When Laura first approached me, she was feeling stuck, unable to recognise her own accomplishments despite an impressive career. Our conversations revealed a deep-seated belief: her success was inextricably tied to pushing herself to the brink of burnout.

Laura’s challenge was not unusual. She feared that letting go of her intense competitive drive would mean losing her edge and jeopardising future successes.

It’s a belief system I’ve encountered often: the idea that relentless drive without respite is the only path to achievement.

Our coaching journey focused on reframing Laura’s perspective. The goal was to help her understand that ambition and drive need not lead to self-sabotage.

By recalibrating her approach, Laura learned that she could still pursue success vigorously without overextending herself. This shift didn’t diminish her drive; instead, it transformed her strengths into sustainable assets rather than liabilities.

The outcome?

Laura’s stress levels decreased significantly, making her journey towards achievement more enjoyable and less costly. This transformation is a testament to the power of unlearning. It shows how releasing certain behaviours and beliefs can lead to a healthier, more balanced approach to success and personal fulfilment.


Laura’s story underscores a vital lesson in personal and professional development: success doesn’t have to come at the expense of our well-being.

Unlearning deeply rooted behaviours and beliefs can open the door to a more balanced and sustainable path to achievement. It’s about understanding that our greatest strengths, when unchecked, can become our Achilles’ heel.

By mastering the art of unlearning, we can navigate our journey with less stress and more joy, making our drive towards success not just effective but also more fulfilling.

The Gift of Reflection: Your Professional Year Roundup Fri, 01 Dec 2023 12:17:55 +0000 As we approach the end of this challenging year, it’s the perfect time to pause, take a breath, and reflect on our journey- personally and professionally. This season, let’s unwrap the gift of self-reflection and explore its profound impact on our lives.

The power of reflection often gets overlooked in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives. Yet, taking a moment to look back before stepping forward can be a transformative experience. It’s not about dwelling on the past but gaining clarity and intentionality for the future.

Let’s start with a set of questions:

What were your standout moments this year?

What have been your wins?

What challenges did you face, and what did they teach you?

These questions are the compass for your year in review, and here are some fundamental areas we want to consider.

Celebrating Your Wins

In the spirit of gratitude, let’s first celebrate your wins, both big and small.

Acknowledge your achievements with a genuine pat on the back. As a professional, you’ve accumulated a wealth of experience – take a moment to relish it.

“The accumulation of small achievements is the only way to do something incredible.” – Fumio Sasaki

Learning from Our Challenges

Navigating challenges and learning opportunities is integral to our professional journey, where unpredictable twists often lead to genuine growth. As we reflect on the year, embracing the hurdles faced becomes an essential step – a recognition that each challenge serves as a stepping stone on our path. These setbacks not only teach resilience but also offer a profound opportunity for both personal and professional development.

Re-align Core Values

Amidst the chaos of our careers, let’s spotlight a crucial yet often overlooked aspect: aligning with core values. Take a moment to ponder—do your professional choices resonate with your deeply held beliefs?

This exploration of alignment is akin to a compass, offering guidance toward a more fulfilling and purpose-driven path. In weaving your professional narrative, consider the threads of your values as essential elements, creating a tapestry that reflects who you are and the meaningful direction you aspire to follow.

Cultivating Gratitude in Your Professional Life

Gratitude isn’t just a warm, fuzzy feeling; it’s a potent force that shapes our mindset and well-being. From a neuroscience perspective, practicing gratitude stimulates the production of dopamine and serotonin – the brain’s feel-good neurotransmitters. By expressing gratitude for colleagues, mentors, and opportunities, you’re not just being polite but actively contributing to your mental and emotional well-being.

A cascade of feel-good chemicals ensues when our thoughts gravitate toward the positive. This isn’t just a fleeting emotion; it’s a powerful force that shapes our essence, influences how we perceive the world and enhances our analytical and reflective abilities.

Setting Intentions for the Future

As we look toward the future, let go of rigid goals and embrace the fluidity of intentions.

What themes do you want to weave into the coming year?

Intentions are not rigid goals; they are adaptable and open to revision. Unlike traditional goal-setting, which may become a source of stress when circumstances shift, intentions provide a flexible framework. They allow you to gracefully pivot in response to unexpected changes, embracing the ebb and flow of your career journey.

Integrating intentions into your professional mindset fosters a growth-oriented approach. Instead of fixating on specific outcomes, you focus on the continuous learning and development process. This mindset empowers you to see challenges as opportunities for growth, encouraging a proactive response to the dynamic nature of your career.

Turning Reflection into Action

Reflection without action is like a ship without a sail—captivating but not propelling. As you wrap up your year in review, consider actionable steps.

What changes can you make to align your professional life with your reflections?

Small, intentional steps can lead to significant transformations.

As you unwrap the gift of your professional year, may you find clarity, gratitude, and a renewed sense of purpose. Here’s to a reflective and purposeful year ahead!

The pitfalls of high achievers when facing stagnation Wed, 01 Nov 2023 14:07:36 +0000 In a world that often celebrates high achievers for their remarkable accomplishments and unwavering determination, it’s easy to assume that they have it all figured out.

But the truth is, even the most accomplished individuals face their fair share of setbacks and moments of being stuck in their professional lives. 

As someone who’s taken an ongoing journey of self-discovery and adaptability, I’ve witnessed and experienced these common mistakes that high achievers tend to make when they find themselves in a professional rut.

As I explore these common challenges, it’s important for me to clarify that I approach this topic with deep empathy and a lack of judgment.

I’ve personally confronted these obstacles, both as a professional coach and on a personal level, and I understand the complexity and nuances that we high achievers face in our journey.

Here are some of the most common challenges when faced with stagnation.

1. “The Missing Pieces” Syndrome

High achievers are known for their relentless pursuit of success. However, when they hit a wall, they tend to fixate on what’s missing rather than appreciating their existing achievements.

The constant craving for more can lead to dissatisfaction and a never-ending cycle of striving for unattainable perfection. So, it’s crucial to shift focus towards self-acceptance and gratitude for what’s been accomplished instead.

2. The Comparison Trap

Competitiveness is often a hallmark of high achievers. This drive can serve as a double-edged sword, as it makes them more susceptible to unhealthy comparisons with others. 

This comparison mindset can breed feelings of scarcity, making it difficult to recognise their unique strengths and talents. To overcome this, they should learn to embrace their individuality and appreciate the diverse and unique paths of success.

3. Blind to Their Own Brilliance

Ironically, high achievers often struggle to see their own strengths and talents as clearly as those around them. The imposter syndrome can creep in, making them doubt their abilities. In these moments, it’s essential to seek feedback from trusted friends, mentors, coaches or colleagues who can provide a more objective perspective on their talents.

4. External vs. Internal Focus

When high achievers find themselves stuck in their careers, they tend to focus on external changes and what they can do differently. While action is vital, they often neglect their internal resources, such as resilience, drive, and determination. Reconnecting with these exceptional internal qualities can be the catalyst for overcoming stagnation.

5. The Frayed Relationship with Failure

High achievers are accustomed to success, and occasionally an encounter with failure can be a devastating blow to their confidence. Over time, they may develop a fear of failure, which hinders their willingness to take risks. Remembering that failure is a natural part of the journey, and a valuable teacher is key to regaining confidence and moving forward.

And then the big pitfall that we do not like to admit to.

6. Status and Perception

High achievers often tie their self-worth to their status and what others think of them. The fear of stepping backward or sideways in their careers is seen as a failure in the eyes of society.

Significance is a profound psychological need that drives many high achievers to excel in their careers. It’s the desire to be recognised, respected, and admired for one’s accomplishments and contributions.

The pursuit of significance can be a powerful motivator, pushing individuals to reach new heights and make a lasting impact on the world. However, this drive can become a double-edged sword when taken to the extreme. Therefore, it is crucial to remember that true success is about personal fulfilment, not external validation.

High achievers are often drawn to the idea of significance like moths to a flame. They seek to leave a mark on their respective industries, communities, or even the world at large. The allure of significance can be incredibly intoxicating, propelling them to work harder, innovate, and strive for greatness.

While the pursuit of significance is a noble endeavour, there’s a tipping point where it can become problematic. When individuals become overly fixated on their status and how they are perceived by others, it can lead to a range of negative consequences.

The key is to strike a balance between the pursuit of significance and the quest for intrinsic fulfilment. It’s important to recognise that significance doesn’t have to come at the cost of personal well-being and contentment. True success should be measured by the alignment of one’s actions with their values and passions, rather than the external validation it brings.

High achievers can benefit from redirecting their focus toward the intrinsic joy of their work, the positive impact they make on the lives of others, and the personal growth and learning that comes with every endeavour.

By finding this balance, they can enjoy the fruits of their labour while maintaining a healthy and sustainable approach to their professional lives.

In my own journey, I’ve learned the significance of finding that equilibrium between external recognition and internal contentment. It’s a lifelong pursuit, but it’s one that ultimately leads to a more fulfilling and purpose-driven career and life.


Of course not all high achievers have the same identical traits and therefore not the same pitfalls. You might recognise some of them, and not so much others.

However, I simply want to highlight that even high achievers are not immune to professional stagnation, but they possess the resilience and determination to break free from its grasp.

By recognising and addressing these common mistakes, they can shift their perspective, celebrate their unique qualities, and regain the momentum needed to continue their journey towards success, meaning and purpose-driven work.

Embracing Uncertainty: The Power of a Loose Career Vision Sun, 01 Oct 2023 08:23:36 +0000 Have you ever felt stuck in your career, overwhelmed by the pressure to have a clear and defined goal?

If so, you are not alone.

Many of us have been conditioned to believe that success means having a precise plan and unwavering focus. However, this rigid mindset can often do more harm than good.

Sometimes, when we’re stuck, we make things worse by fixating on the need for a crystal-clear path.

We might even feel ashamed that we don’t have it all figured out.

But what if I told you it’s okay not to have it all mapped out?

What if I encouraged you to approach your lack of clarity with self-compassion and curiosity instead?

Being kind to ourselves is crucial in the journey of life and career. Instead of beating ourselves up for not having a detailed plan, we must consider embracing the concept of a “loose vision.”

This means letting go of the idea that our brain must transition from feeling stuck to being laser-focused on a specific goal.

Here’s how you can do it:

1. Self-Compassion:

In our fast-paced, goal-oriented society, it’s easy to feel inadequate when we don’t have our entire career trajectory figured out. However, practicing self-compassion is the first step towards embracing a loose career vision.

Understand that everyone experiences periods of uncertainty, and it’s entirely normal. Instead of being your own harshest critic, be your biggest supporter. Treat yourself with kindness and remind yourself that your career does not solely determine your worth.

Self-compassion allows you to release the self-imposed pressure to have all the answers immediately. It gives you the space to acknowledge your feelings of uncertainty without judgment.

As you cultivate self-compassion, you’ll find that it becomes a powerful tool for navigating the twists and turns of your career journey with resilience and grace.

2. Embrace Curiosity:

Curiosity is the key to unlocking your potential and discovering your true passions. When you’re feeling stuck, rather than dwelling on your lack of direction, focus on exploring your interests and strengths.

Start by asking yourself thought-provoking questions:

– What activities or subjects have always piqued my curiosity?

– When do I feel most engaged and fulfilled in my work or daily life?

– What skills do I naturally excel at?

By embracing curiosity, you embark on a journey of self-discovery. You might uncover hidden talents, passions you never knew you had, or a fresh perspective on your current situation. It’s through this exploration that you begin to paint the canvas of your loose career vision.

3. Creativity as a Catalyst:

Creativity is a potent force in breaking free from the confines of a rigid career mindset. It allows you to think beyond the ordinary, to dream big, and to imagine different possibilities.

When you’re feeling stuck, invite creativity into your life:

– Explore creative hobbies or side projects unrelated to your current career.

– Seek inspiration from books, art, music, or other forms of artistic expression.

– Surround yourself with diverse perspectives and ideas to stimulate your imagination.

Creativity often thrives in moments of uncertainty. By allowing your mind to wander and encouraging your creative spirit, you may stumble upon innovative solutions and unique opportunities that you’d never have considered within the constraints of a strict career plan.

4. A Loose Roadmap:

While a traditional career plan consists of specific goals and milestones, a loose roadmap offers a more flexible approach. Think of it as setting your compass in a general direction without obsessing over every step of the journey.

Your loose roadmap should encompass:

– A broad vision for your ideal career or lifestyle.

– A list of core values and principles that guide your decisions.

– Flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances and opportunities.

– A willingness to embrace detours and unexpected experiences.

By outlining a loose roadmap, you give yourself a sense of purpose and direction without locking yourself into a rigid plan.

It’s a framework that evolves as you do, allowing you to stay true to your overarching goals while remaining open to new and exciting paths.

5. Embrace Freedom:

One of the most liberating aspects of adopting a loose career vision is the freedom it affords. Rather than boxing yourself into a narrow career trajectory, you grant yourself permission to explore various paths and possibilities.

This freedom is invaluable because:

– It alleviates the pressure of making the “perfect” career choice.

– It encourages risk-taking and learning from failures.

– It opens doors to unexpected opportunities and serendipitous moments.

Embracing freedom in your career journey means being open to change and adaptation. It means allowing yourself the space to evolve and grow organically, knowing that your loose vision will guide you in the right direction, even if the path isn’t always clear.

6. Stay Open-Minded:

A loose career vision is not about having a one-track mind but remaining open to new experiences, perspectives, and opportunities. It’s about recognising that sometimes the best opportunities come when you least expect them.

To stay open-minded:

– Network and engage with people from diverse backgrounds and industries.

– Be receptive to feedback and consider alternative viewpoints.

– Embrace uncertainty as an opportunity for growth and exploration.

– Explore roles that might feel a little out of reach.

By remaining open-minded, you invite serendipity into your life. You allow room for unexpected twists and turns, leading to exciting and fulfilling career experiences you might have never planned for.

In conclusion, embracing a loose career vision is about giving yourself the grace to navigate uncertainty with self-compassion, curiosity, and creativity.

It’s about setting a flexible roadmap that guides you towards your desired lifestyle while embracing the freedom to explore various paths. By staying open-minded, you’ll find that your career journey becomes coloured with experiences, opportunities, and personal growth.

The beauty of a loose vision lies in its ability to lead you towards a future that’s not just defined by goals but enriched by unexpected detours along the way.

It’s in the openness of this vision that you’ll discover the true magic of your journey – and you will find clarity.

Stoicism, Positivity, and the Art of Balanced Perspective Fri, 01 Sep 2023 06:35:52 +0000 “If I prepare for the worst, nothing can hurt me.”

Sometimes, when faced with a significant change or a new challenge, we armour up. We have learned from the past that sometimes we get hurt, and we prepare for battle.

And then, we get pleasantly surprised that things do not go as badly as we thought. So, when we experience relief, we believe being negatively prepared is a great defence strategy.

The Stoics used to agree – and I love the Stoics! Years of classical studies made me truly appreciate them.

They didn’t advocate pessimism or dwelling on negative thoughts, but rather a rational and detached assessment of potential challenges. By doing so, they believed one could diminish the power that fear, anxiety, and external events had over them.

Seneca wrote extensively on this topic in his letters and essays. He emphasised the importance of practicing adversity in advance so that when difficult situations arose, individuals could respond with composure and rationality rather than being overwhelmed by emotions.

I agree and like his approach, but truth be told, I think most of us are rubbish at it.

The Stoics used to practise detachment above all – and that deserves a whole other blog. All most of us do is simply rehearse in a loop of fear and catastrophise.

We do not know how to detach fully. All we do is suffer while imagining the worst, creating more anxiety and often a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The counterargument to the Stoic’s philosophy is that if we approach the change with a positive attitude, we will see opportunities and somehow ‘manifest’ a positive outcome. When we welcome change with curiosity, creativity, and a growth mindset, all will work out just fine. We simply will attract positivity.

That is true, but when the stakes are high, we are also not very good at that – something to work towards.

So, until we all learn detachment or eternal optimism, I have a different opinion on the best approach. A boring one perhaps. A less polarizing one.

I believe the truth to be in the middle. I believe in things being a bit more neutral. More balanced.

I don’t like focusing solely on the good parts and forcing positivity with no foundation. Sometimes, we do not know what is at stake and how things will play out. Caution could be wise.

But I try hard not to expect the worst for the sake of it or just because something didn’t work out in the past.

Of course, I am human and prone to looking out for the negative. After all, it is the brain’s job always to keep me safe and alive.

But while my first thought can sometimes go to the negative, I believe that expecting the worst means already having decided we have no agency to create anything positive.

A risk assessment is essential, but it shouldn’t be the only priority. Also, before we assess the risk, we should ask ourselves whether we are implementing a logical and accurate assessment or one through the lens of limiting beliefs and negative past experiences.

See? Unless we entirely detach, we cannot stoically assess – something to aim towards, for sure.

Until then, for most of us, expecting the worst means that we have already judged the situation, the people in it, and the fact that we cannot influence any of it.

I would feel I’ve given my power away already. That I am on the defensive before I have even started.

Plus, our brain likes to find evidence of being right—and if I am prepared for negativity, I will indeed find it somewhere!

So, I battle my negative bias by saying, “Let’s see what happens.”

I warned you. It is hardly ground-breaking.

I like to fact-check. It could be good; it could be bad. However, I am going in with an open mind.

I call it “cautious optimism”. This is my detachment and positivity second best.

When we keep an open mind, we are available to all possibilities. Life is nuanced after all, so why wouldn’t we allow for that?

I am not naive; I know that when there is change, there might be risks. But I also trust that it might all work out for the best and that I can influence the outcome by bringing my best foot forward. Not by being naively positive and vulnerable, but not armoured up either.

It is tougher than it sounds, and I get it wrong sometimes. But that is what I strive for – always to keep an open, balanced, and independent mind.

Life has a funny way of messing with us but equally surprising us with many gifts – we just have to let it.

In conclusion, while stoicism an ideal you could like to strive for, it might not always be easily attainable for everyone at any time. And when the stakes are high, our fears might also cloud our ability to be positive.

Instead, let’s focus on fact-checking, conducting unbiased risk assessments, staying open and curious, and allowing for various outcomes. The goal is the balanced perspective of cautious optimism.

“Let’s see what happens”.

The Humbling Journey of Going Solo: Self-Belief Tue, 01 Aug 2023 12:48:22 +0000 A couple of weeks ago, I had a client who reminded me of the honest reality behind transitioning from a secure salaried job to the uncertain path of going solo.

It’s a humbling experience, no doubt. But rather than dwell on the challenges, let’s explore how this journey can be transformed into a powerful opportunity for personal growth and the development of unshakable self-belief.

The Illusion of Glamour:

Many perceive going solo as a glamorous endeavour, a chance to be your own boss and chase your dreams. However, let me assure you, it’s far from glamorous. Unless you have the financial means to assemble a team of freelancers, you embark on this journey alone. There’s no one to rely on, no one to delegate tasks to. It’s just you, your skills, and an unwavering determination.

Embracing the Jack-of-All-Trades:

One of the initial challenges of going solo is becoming a jack-of-all-trades. From marketing to finance, from sales to design, the burden falls upon your shoulders. Without significant upfront investments, you wear multiple hats and assume all the responsibilities. But instead of seeing this as a setback, view it as an opportunity to expand your skillset and discover hidden talents within yourself.

The Importance of Mindset:

While the practical challenges of going solo can be overwhelming, it’s crucial to recognise that the true competitive advantage lies in your mindset. Building an unshakable self-belief becomes your superpower. Believe in your abilities, trust your instincts, and remain resilient in the face of adversity. Your mindset will determine your success.

Navigating the Roadblocks:

On this journey, there will be difficulties, failures, and moments of self-doubt. Embrace them as steppingstones rather than stumbling blocks. Learn from your mistakes, refine your strategies, and cultivate a growth mindset. Remember that setbacks are not indicators of failure but opportunities for growth and improvement.

Discovering the Power of Collaboration:

Amidst the challenges and triumphs of going solo, it’s essential to appreciate the value of collaboration. While you may be the driving force behind your business, seek out opportunities to collaborate with talented individuals. Surround yourself with diverse perspectives and skills. Collaborative efforts spark innovation, fuel creativity, and amplify your chances of success.

The Unwavering Self-Belief Advantage:

As you navigate the path of going solo, developing unshakable self-belief becomes your ultimate competitive advantage. Believe in your vision, trust in your capabilities, and persevere through the inevitable ups and downs. Plus, when you radiate self-belief, it attracts opportunities, builds credibility, and empowers you to overcome obstacles with confidence.

Embracing Failure:

To truly thrive as a solopreneur, it’s important to embrace a growth mindset. Cultivate a hunger for learning, seek out new knowledge and skills, and continuously adapt to changing circumstances. Understand that failure is part of success and approach challenges as opportunities for growth. A growth mindset fuels resilience, innovation, and long-term success. As Nelson Mandela said: ‘I never lose. I either win or learn.’

Leveraging Technology and Automation:

One of the important skills to develop during your solopreneur journey is to leverage technology and automation. Embrace tools and software that streamline your workflows, enhance productivity, and allow you to focus on high-value tasks. Automating repetitive processes frees up your time and energy to concentrate on strategic activities and business growth.

Seeking Support and Mentorship:

Even though you may be navigating the solopreneurial journey on your own, it’s essential to seek support and mentorship. Connect with like-minded entrepreneurs, join communities, and seek guidance from experienced professionals. Surrounding yourself with a support network provides invaluable insights, encouragement, and opportunities for collaboration. And once you can, invest in practical support and delegate.

Embracing Self-Care and Work-Life Balance:

While the journey of going solo requires dedication and hard work, it’s crucial to prioritise self-care and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Burnout is a real risk when you’re solely responsible for your business. Take breaks, set boundaries, and make time for activities that recharge and rejuvenate you. Remember, sustainable success stems from a balanced and fulfilled life.


The journey of going solo is undoubtedly humbling, but it’s also a remarkable opportunity for personal growth and the development of unshakable self-belief. Recognise that the glamour is merely an illusion, and the true strength lies within your mindset. Embrace the challenges, learn from your experiences, and never underestimate the power of collaboration. Remember, by cultivating unshakable self-belief, leveraging technology, seeking support, and embracing self-care, you unlock your true potential and pave the way for a thriving entrepreneurial journey.

By embarking on the path of going solo, you are not only building a business but also shaping yourself into a resilient, innovative, and confident individual ready to conquer any challenge. The journey is about what you create as much as it is about who you become.

Are You Ready for Change? Unveiling the Myth of Readiness Sat, 01 Jul 2023 09:12:26 +0000 Change, though inevitable, can be daunting and uncomfortable. We often find ourselves waiting for the perfect moment, hoping to feel “ready” before taking the plunge. But is readiness a real prerequisite for change, or is it merely a myth?

In this blog, we will explore a theory about readiness, challenge the notion that readiness is essential, and shed light on why waiting to feel ready can erode our confidence. So, let’s dive in and discover how we can navigate the waters of change with clarity and purpose.

Understanding Readiness: A Theory

The concept of readiness in relation to change is widely recognised in the field of psychology and personal development as a framework for understanding individuals’ preparedness for significant transitions.

The theory of readiness suggests that before embarking on a significant change, individuals must possess a certain level of preparedness. It implies that we need the right mindset, resources, knowledge, and skills to tackle the challenges that lie ahead. While this theory holds some truth, it often becomes a mental barrier that hampers our progress.

The Myth of Readiness

In reality, readiness is often more of a myth than a tangible state of being. Waiting for the perfect moment can lead to endless procrastination and missed opportunities. The truth is, we rarely feel entirely prepared for change. Life is unpredictable, and circumstances are constantly evolving. Instead of waiting for the stars to align, we must embrace change as a continuous process that unfolds as we move forward.

Why Taking Action Before Feeling Ready Matters

1. Building Resilience: When we step outside our comfort zone and take action before feeling completely ready, we cultivate resilience. By embracing uncertainty and confronting challenges head-on, we develop the ability to adapt and thrive in the face of change. We are reminding ourselves that we can do the hard things.

2. Learning through Experience: We often learn best through experience. By diving into new endeavours before feeling ready, we gain first-hand knowledge and valuable insights that help us navigate the complexities of change. Each step we take becomes an opportunity for growth and learning. This process has value in itself.

3. Overcoming Fear and Doubt: Waiting for readiness can perpetuate self-doubt and amplify fears. Taking action, even in the absence of readiness, allows us to confront and overcome these fears. As we gradually push past our comfort zone, our confidence expands, enabling us to take on even more significant challenges.

This is crucial to understand the confidence conundrum.

Waiting for readiness can become a relentless and self-perpetuating cycle that gradually erodes our confidence. The more we postpone taking action, the more our confidence diminishes.

We convince ourselves that we are not ready and reinforce the belief that we will never be ready. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy where our lack of confidence becomes a barrier to change.

However, it is important to understand that confidence is not a prerequisite for change. In fact, confidence is often a by-product of taking action. When we muster the courage to step outside our comfort zones and initiate change, even in the absence of complete readiness, we embark on a journey of personal growth and self-discovery.

Each small step we take builds a sense of accomplishment and reinforces our belief in our own abilities. We learn from both successes and setbacks, acquiring valuable insights and skills along the way. As we gain experience and navigate through the challenges of change, our confidence naturally expands and strengthens.

By recognising that confidence is not a fixed trait that we must possess before embracing change, we liberate ourselves from the confines of waiting for the elusive moment of readiness. Instead, we empower ourselves to act, to experiment, and to learn from the outcomes.

As we break free from the grip of hesitation and embark on the path of change, we unlock the potential within us and discover the resilience and capabilities that were waiting to be unleashed.

Remember, confidence is not the starting point; it is the destination that we gradually reach through our courageous actions and perseverance.

By initiating change despite our reservations, we start building confidence, one step at a time.

In Conclusion…

Readiness, often portrayed as a necessary precursor to change, is more of a myth than a reality. Waiting for the perfect moment keeps us stagnant and hampers our growth. Taking action before feeling ready allows us to develop resilience, learn through experience, and overcome fear and doubt. Confidence is not something we must possess before embracing change; it is a quality that emerges as we navigate the uncertainties of life.

So, let go of the myth of readiness, and dare to embark on the journey of change. The only moment that truly matters is now.
